
Thursday, December 31, 2009


as you all know the year 2009 is coming to a quick end and everyone is reflecting on the past year and yadda yadda i thought id go with the flow and make a "2009 reflective" blog like everyone and their mother is doing. so here goes nothing....

what i learned this year:

i think the biggest thing[s] that i have learned this year is that when all things seem like shit its that way for a reason to teach you something and the only way to get through is to rely on the lord and those around you; communication is key in everything because without it things can become chaos and feelings hurt; friends are one of the many keys to happiness - they make everything so much better; people really do care for you even when you dont know it or want to believe it; and last but not least this: live a little and be carefree, dont be too serious and do what you are only on this earth once

i found out that mothers in the 80s were freaking sweet and that MY mother can pull off short dresses and fish nets no matter what she says. i now know for sure where i get my spunk from....

i found out how to have WAY TOO much fun with my friends when we are bored....

this is where my hearts is. it is my home, my sanctuary, and my family....

....though it can kill me sometimes i love it all the more....

i have come to find life-long friends....

my roommates keep me sane and take care of me [sadly i dont have a picture of kizer my second roommate]....

i have learned to rely on the lord through all things, to be more patient [still working on it], spiritual warfare is real, trust is key, the people that are placed around you are there for a reason and that it is so amazing at how many different personalities there are in this world let alone a single blip on the worlds surface....

little things can make all the difference in a person's day....

i learned that even though a good friend moves away they will always think of you and keep you in mind and then visit at the perfect time....

madison joy was born!!!! from her and her brother's birth [idynn] i have learned that good does come from bad situations and brings so much joy to those around them....

and i finally got to put my love of film to the test and create my own short [VERY short] film.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


so ive decided that instead of babbling about my life for the entirety of this blog i would put up pictures i have found around the internet that either inspire me, show something interesting or neat, or are just plain funny/fantastic/need to be shared.

so here goes the first batch....i think ill do five each time