
Monday, April 20, 2009


Isaiah and Mum

Isaiah and Dad

The Crawford Family
Today the Crawford family lost their six year old son Isaiah who was diagnosed with cancer three years ago. Please keep them and their extended family in your prayers.
I have known this family for six years. Matt Crawford was my teaher, Kristin Crawford was my assistant vollyball coach, and I saw their kids Isaiah, Judah, and Titus all grow up throughout junior high and high school. They are one family that I consider a part of mine and have been a constant reminder to how good God is through the tough times.
They have been an example to all who have met them as to how true, solid faith strives through hell and God always conquers and overcomes what we think to be the hardest of times. Isaiah has taught me to be stong when I think I can't go on anymore and to love without conditions.
May God bless the Crawford family for all they have blessed me with.