
Thursday, January 7, 2010


i think love is not what it used to be....but then who am i to speculate since i have neither lived back when or have loved anyone? i hope that i am right though. cause if love was how it is now then my hope in it would be just a fools hope

sometimes i wish this lie would be true....cause how can you know if something is going to be ok or not when you are not the one in control?

"In the Waves" [also known as "Ondine"] by Paul Gauguin....painted in 1889. i went to the Cleveland Museum of Art over break to see Paul Gauguin's exhibit that was only showing in two places in the whole world: Cleveland, Ohio and Amsterdam. and this was the painting that had the most impact on me. i wont really explain why because i think it would loose some of its meaning for other viewers if i were to tell of my experience with this painting. look and ponder and see what it does for you.

dont be a hot head....

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