
Thursday, December 30, 2010


Day 12: Bulletin your whole day

*woke up
*got dressed and did my hair
*got on the computer and surfed a bit
*my cousin came and picked me up
*we went and ate had lunch at chipotle
*went to H&M and i bought a pull over hoodie and a long sleeve shirt [mustard yellow]
*went thrifting
*stopped by and saw her husband at his work
*got starbucks
*returned to husband's work and dropped off his coffee
*went to her house and chilled a bit
*looked up film trailers
*danced in her kitchen to really good records [and yes there were records, not cds]
*ate some kick-butt pasta [pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, pine nuts, artichokes, onions and oil]
*saw True Grit
*got back home
*got ready for bed
*tried breaking a mirror for a collage im making [failed]
*burned incense
*surfed my favorite blogs
*doing this

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