
Sunday, February 20, 2011


today i said goodbye to the theatre. it is the closing night of our show The Count of Monte Cristo and is most likely my last show that ill be heavily involved in. the theatre and those in it have shaped me and helped me grow into the person i am now.....and i had to say goodbye.
i didnt think it would hit me so hard, but i shouldve known better. i have literally lived in the theatre, slept and ate there, hated and loved within its walls, laughed and cried, whispered and screamed. it is my sanctuary. the place i go where i dont have to put up a front, where i can have my feelings outright on my sleeve and people actually care.
but i guess all things must come to an end and the chapter in my life that consisted of the theatre is coming to a close. i thank all who have come and gone throughout my three years in the theatre. i would not be the person i am now without any of you....


1 comment:

  1. AHHH!! The pacman and blinky is so perfect!

    I saw this yesterday? Have you seen it?
