
Wednesday, February 12, 2014


 Selected works by Andy Leuenberger
"A bestiary is a collection of illustrated descriptions of animals. Popular in the Middle Ages, they dealt with physical, spiritual and mythic aspects of animals. This here is a series of diverse animals, as metaphors for human comedy, for young at heart grown-ups. Illustrated with water based inks on paper, it is a work in progress since 2012."

Silvia Grav is a 19 year old photographer from Spain. Currently living in Madrid.
Silvia’s work is best described as “surreal”. Some would classify much of her work as creepy, strange, or scary, but these creations truly takes conceptual photography to new heights. We have seen the technique of combining multiple exposures many times before, however, Grav has a knack at combining elements of nature (waves, stars, clouds) in a way that is just captivating

How would you describe your style? I never quite know how to explain it. Aesthetically, I love analogue photography- dirty, scratched. I’ve been obsessed with the black & White that old photographs possess since I’ve discovered photography, but I don’t know why. I see very clear when I find beautiful imagery, but I ignore why I’ve acquired my style. I think that this is unconscious, a set of many influences that are impossible to differentiate

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