
Saturday, December 24, 2011


Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!! So, since it is such a special day, I though I'd do a different kind of post: I went through all my recent findings and picked out my favorite photos/gifs and put them all in one place! There are of course more then my usual 30 but I couldn't narrow it down that much =] I hope that all of you have had a wonderful break and that it continues that way. And if I don't post tomorrow....Merry Christmas Day!

 i could never actually walk in these but i love the color and lace!

 Charlie Chaplin [16 April, 1889 - 25 December, 1977]

 Salvador Dali [11 May, 1904 - 23 January, 1989]

 ^all the single ladies!

 my role model for when i grow older....

 i miss this....

 [Bethany T., I saw this and immediately thought of you. it is one of my favorite photos of a deer and i thought you would appreciate it.]

 i will one day have a pile of letters like this....hopefully they will be love letters =]



 i love fire....
 ^click....too cute



 i love soul-searchy stuff




 i want

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